Organic synthesis chemicals
ChemPur is among the most significant providers of laboratory and fine chemicals with a selection of organic reagents specially tailored to the requirements of a synthesis chemist. Our product range currently includes more than 3,000 organics and meaningful additions are constantly being made. Our synthesis building blocks are particularly used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, in basic research at universities, in natural-materials synthesis and also as a reference material for analytics.
For compounds from this substance class that are not included in our delivery program, we would be happy to provide you with individual synthesis options.
We would like to particularly emphasise our unique series of 160 extraordinary boric acids and their pinacol esters, with a particular emphasis always being placed on the heterocyclic derivatives.
Arylboronic acids and their esters are among the preferred intermediates in organic, agrochemical and pharmaceutical chemistry and their most important application is in Suzuki coupling. On the way to natural and active ingredients, this palladium-catalysed reaction with aryl halides forms an elegant and yet simple access point to Aryl-Aryl compound products. The Suzuki coupling process can also save immense effort for synthesis in the production of biphenylic liquid crystals as this process is particularly characterised by high selectivity.
Of course, you can also procure from us the corresponding palladium catalysts and organostannic compounds for the related silent coupling.