Laboratory equipment made from platinum and platinum alloys

High chemical resistance, thermal stability and corrosion resistance are the characteristics of our practical platinum laboratory equipment range. This is essential for use in many chemical–physical experiments as well as during X-ray fluorescence analysis.

The most frequently required dishes, crucibles, lids, crucible tongs, electrodes and small vessels are standardised. To avoid mechanical deformations, we provide crucibles and dishes in various sheet thicknesses and with strengthened edges.
We would be happy to provide customer-specific custom-made products for special applications in accordance with your specifications.
All dishes can be supplied with and without a spout. Special forms for various, partially standardised analysis methods are also part of our product range.

You can download a complete overview of our laboratory equipment made from platinum and platinum alloys with dimensions and weights here.
We would be pleased to send you instructions for the handling and maintenance of the platinum equipment.